Again the NEPRA is going to impose Fuel Price Adjustment for the month of March,2022 on the consumers of DISCO’s. This fuel price will be appear in the bills of April, 2022. The consumers of pesco again will suffer with the inflation burden. It is very sad news for the consumers of pesco as well as other distributor companies. NEPRA has imposed Rs 2.86 per unit. The rate will apply on the units of March,2022 consumed units. It will create burden of 32 billion on the consumers. This increase in fuel price will increase the inflation rate which not suitable for the common man. Increasing prices will harm the poor people, which are already depressed by the Govt Polices. NEPRA must consider will imposing such kind of fuel price adjustment tax. At the same time the Govt. give the lollypop of relief and on same time impose the fuel price.